... proudly maintained by the Millmerran & District Historical Society Inc.
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Becoming a member of the Millmerran and District Historical Society is a great way to support the Museum and Society.
Benefits include:
Free entry to the Museum for one year (your visitors/friends will be required to pay fees if not members);
10% discount on all our publications;
Participation in our monthly meetings;
Volunteer in the many diverse activities we are involved in;
Inclusion in our Public Liability Insurance as a stall-holder on our Market Open Days.
Individual annual membership costs $10. Families $20.
Membership is for one year with renewal each year at our Annual General Meeting.
You can download a Membership Form PDF here:
Please complete and either:
return by post to 24 Charlotte Street Millmerran Q 4357 with your cheque payable to Millmerran & District Historical Society Inc.
bring along to the AGM with either cash or a cheque
Or simply fill in the form below and pay by direct debit.
BSB 638 070
Account 5226619
With Reference: "Your Name" (don't forget this)
Bring payment to the AGM with either cash or a cheque.